Causes Someone Wants to Suicide

Causes Someone Wants to Suicide

Causes Someone Wants to Suicide

Almost every day we hear news about suicide cases. The case is considered completed by the investigators and the police. Of course, we think that the person who commits suicide is a person who has no sense of reason so he decides to end his life. But who would have thought if it turns out that there is a reason someone wants to commit suicide without being forced? Causes Someone Wants to Suicide

Suicide is often a hot topic for many people. Don’t forget that it turns out that suicide is often found in cases of several well-known actresses or actors who commit suicide. This can happen because a person’s psyche and the feelings they have stored are not strong enough to be dammed anymore.


Seeing the high number of deaths in suicide cases makes some parties have to be strict in preventing suicide. Maybe some people consider the case of suicide a trivial case. But they do not know that there is a real cause of suicide. A desire is so great that they believe that ending their life would be much better. Revistase7se7

We really can’t turn back the time when the suicide occurred. But we can begin to prevent someone from wanting to commit suicide. Recognizing some patterns that they may not be aware of can help us prevent this. The things that must be considered for people who want to commit suicide are:

  • Stressed
  • Depression
  • Have a mental disorder
  • The story of the psychological period
  • Social isolation and much more
avoid feeling pressure//stressed

Extreme action

In general, they will not think about committing suicide if they do not experience a problem that continues to haunt them. Suicide can also happen without them planning. Like when driving drunk, avoiding something, or playing something so challenging that you forget your safety.

Sometimes a lot of people – people who are not aware of making some funny and challenging videos are a sign that they are ending their lives. So how do you know if the person committed suicide? Friends, we have thought when talking to friends or relatives that some words came up that made them look like they were ending their lives. By joking and laughing maybe you think it’s just a normal joke.

Unreasonable habits

But without you knowing that it can trigger someone to commit suicide. There are several things that must be considered when someone starts to have strange habits such as:

  • Often say the word death
  • Giving loved items
  • Say goodbye
  • Excessive consumption of drugs
  • Lock yourself in the room
  • Say nothing
  • Always tell a lot about difficult times and many more
    From the information we have, we can help them. Eliminate feelings of sadness can make us prevent suicide. As friends, of course, we will help them with happiness and sadness.
Gives encouragement and always invites them to think positively

To help them, you can invite them to chat with each other. Listen to their stories without interrupting. Start negotiating with some experts such as psychologists, and can also encourage them.

Do you know that the real cause of suicide cases is when they think that in this world there is no one to defend them? So they think that with him dead, no one else will feel harmed by him.